With close to 3 billion monthly active users, Facebook has the potential to get your content discovered rapidly and monetised effectively.

StreamKey provides the tools necessary for creating and managing a Professional Gaming Page that's both exciting and sustainable.

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As both an educator and creator service provider (CSP), ClickMgmt will stay in touch as your page continues to grow until the day you are eligible to join the Facebook Gaming Partner Program.



Muselk, Lazarbeam, Joel Bergs, Joshdub. What do they all have in common? They work with the Creators of StreamKey!

StreamKey is your invitation to access insider knowledge of some of the world's most successful content creators across every platform.


With a combined following of over 250k, Drewd0g is Facebook's Biggest ANZ Warzone Streamer and it's no secret why.

Learn how Drew used his time offline to unlock his success online.


He may not be on Facebook gaming, but with a combined following of over 11.5 million Muselk knows a thing or 2 about content creation.

Find out how he unlocked growth and collaborates with the world's largest creators.


Commanding an army of over 200,000 followers, Chopstix is the Queen of Fortnite exclusively on Facebook Gaming.

Follow Chopstix as she discusses how she unlocked her success and sustains her community.


"Wow, that was very very helpful, thank you so much for taking the time to teach me things that I definitely needed to hear. It’s been a rough patch over the past couple of streams and I was feeling low and wanted to quit but I didn’t, so thank you!"

- Eli aka NotEven Gaming

(Level Up Creator)